I can help. 

Kids & Teens

Coaching for children and teens who struggle with ADHD, executive function challenges, social skills, and behavioral motivation

Parents & Families

Parenting coaching for caregivers and family members of children with ADHD and/or executive function challenges


Life coaching for adults with ADHD and/or executive function challenges

There’s no one way, but together

we can find YOUR way!

I promise to center you with empathy & support.

We know ADHD is real. And it’s not an issue of intelligence or knowing.

ADHD affects our EXECUTIVE FUNCTION–the part of the brain that-functions to execute-makes it possible TO DO WHAT WE INTEND TO DO.

ADHD is a neurodevelopmental difference that creates inconsistency with performanceEXECUTIVE FUNCTION PERFORMANCE!


(and just “trying” harder won’t help! I promise.)


A coach uses their passion and expertise to provide a focused practice space to teach you the strategies and skills you need to be successful.

You want an ADHD / Executive Function Coach who …

  • knows how ADHD affects the strategies of success

  • understands and believes the executive function basics

  • can assess individual strengths and challenges with empathy

  • accepts the past and focuses on the present moment

  • builds confidence and success by playing to strengths

  • believes success comes from teaching skills and removing barriers

  • knows how to teach specific skills to improve performance

  • open to listening, learning, and trying new strategies … that work for YOU

  • inspires dedication to daily practice and resilience to keep trying

  • holds you accountable with honesty, compassion, and empathy

  • provides support without judgment , shame, apology or excuse

  • encourages rest, self-care and self-compassion as a key to thriving

  • values growth, play and having fun as “winning”

  • takes responsibility for facilitating practice but not the final outcome

  • cheers on and celebrates your growth and success

ADHD Coaching works to improve executive function performance by breaking it down to individual skills and focusing on what supports (education, skills, tools, strategies, environments, accommodations) need to be in place to optimally perform. We will encourage, educate, and set appropriate expectations based on your specific strengths. Together we will identify challenges, remove obstacles and learn the skills you need to perform as best you can. Then practice begins … and as the game changes so will we. This is an ongoing process that shifts to meet the most current goals and challenges in our daily lives. 

I am YES-focused and YOU can be, too!

What does it mean to be…


You - We value whole person identity including (but not limited to) strengths and challenges of neurodiversity. You are so much more than your ADHD symptoms. 

Empathy - We identify and accept challenges without judgement and without excuse - This Is Hard! Empathy takes emotional connection, education, appropriate expectation, and self-compassion.

Support - We empower space to ask for and receive support from ourselves and others without excuse, apology, or shame.